Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What is Quality Frugality?

Today's economy...How many news stories have contained these words in the past year? I haven't even tried to count them, but I know it is enough to make it clear it is one of the main concerns for you and me. Every time I buy a cart full of groceries or fill up my tank with gas; every time I try to decide if we should replace something that is broken or repair it; every time I buy clothes for my growing kids, I have to acknowledge that the economy is affecting our family. If you are reading this blog, I am sure it is affecting you also.

So, what will happen next? Are we destined for bread lines and vouchers? Are all our children going to soon be in rags? I don't think so. I have more faith in our country than that. We do have to change our way of thinking, however. To throw a few cliches at you - we must "tighten our belts," "live lean" and "spend wisely."

Does this mean I am going to suggest you stop buying steak and resort to rice and beans? Well, not exactly. Does it mean my idea of thrift shopping is dumpster diving? Not usually. Unless you are really desperate or you are ready to cut everything back to bare bones, these things aren't necessary. I may go over some of these extreme measures at some point, but those aren't the main emphasis on this blog.

I propose there are ways to retain a good quality of life while living within a budget. You can be thrifty without completely giving up your dignity. It may mean you don't have champagne and caviar, but you can eat healthy food that has good flavor. You may not be able to buy the newest thing on the rack at that high-end trendy story you love, but you can still dress stylishly and look great. With some tips from this blog and some of your own practical thinking and planning, you can soon learn to live the life of Quality Frugality.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great idea for a blog. Especially these days!! You are completely right. Our country's focus for the past decade (or 2 or 3) has been QUANTITY. The business of "excess" has crept into every area of our lives. No matter what the economy is doing, our goals should be to seek QUALITY in all that we do. Thanks for encouraging us.

    The Savvy Steward
