Monday, January 4, 2010

Learning from the Past or Regrets, I've Had a Few

As the new year dawns, I can't help but think of some mistakes I've made in the past (not just the past year, but over my adult life). Not to dwell on them - just to remind myself not to make the same ones. So, I thought I would share some of the regrets I have in regard to spending or not spending. Maybe I will save you from making the same ones.

Lana's Top 10 Spending Regrets
10. Buying things on sale, just because they were on sale.
9. Buying things with coupons, just because I had coupons.
8. Grocery shopping without my coupons or my list.
7. Not being generous enough because I was afraid we couldn't afford it, yet finding enough money to eat out when we didn't have to.
6. Shopping without checking what I already owned first.
5. Buying a car based on a raise that had not yet been seen.
4. Buying a car on a lease plan.
3. Buying more at Christmas than we could afford.
2. Making large purchases on credit without a good plan for paying them off.
1. Credit cards, credit cards, credit cards!!!!!

I have many more regrets, but doing a couple of these once (and a few others too many times), changed our financial status in ways that are too scary to think about. Worse than the actual mistakes is, that in some cases, I knew better. I am resolving to be consistantly more intentional on how I use my money. Will you join me?